Starting a blog?!?!?!

Even as I compose this I can't believe I am starting a blog. I've actually considered it often because I enjoy writing, but always opted against it as I couldn't get beyond, "Who Cares?" Well, I guess if you're reading this you do. Or perhaps you just have some free time on your hands... whatever the case, thanks for reading.

So I shall begin by laying a foundation, of sorts. Letting you know some things about me. If you know me well, you know that I am often bitchy. Ok. If I'm being super bitchy and mean and rude, know that I'm just fired up. I don't actually mean it. But it's what puts the mf in lgmf. I will probably wallow and sulk about it later and beg you for forgiveness.

I was supposed to start this blog by bitching about two of my friends becoming friends on facebook, but.... maybe later? I'm too lazy to rehash it. Cause really, Who Cares?