Tonight: Like CMA, baby...


So.. those of you that know me, or know us.. (cause there really is no me anymore) will totally get this conversation/scenario.. It went something like this:

E: i think I'm gonna cut my hair before you leave.

me: Uhhh.. turns out we're leaving earlier than I thought.. Like, 8:30.

E: (disgusted look, like, wtf??) then, "You don't even make enough to pay for your outings.."


E: "you party more hours than you work.."

me: (with continued smile and a HAHAHA!) But we get free drinks!!!!

E: Evil eye.

me: "but here's the problem, I don't know what to wear.."

E: "F you!"- spelled Pho(k) you!

me & E: hahahahahha!

OK.. I get it.. I really do wish I worked more. This isn't my fault..

BUT! Like CMA baby, I am Grouchy and Lucky!!! I need not explain the Grouchy part, but I AM Lucky cause if you remember, a while back I asked for a friend. And guess what!?!? Ask and you shall receive! I have a new friend. She's hot and without penis! (but taken.. sorry, boys!).

We went out tonight and had a fantastic time.

But mostly I am Lucky cause I have E. So, thank you E. YOU are FANTASTIC!

Mama treats.

One of the funnest things about being Mama is making treats.

Half of this is filled with lemonade. Those are for e. The other two are filled with cafe! Those are for MAMA!!!


My faves.

Water, Peanut M&M's and SFRB.. yummy mfs!

DAMN!... (+relationships).

Ok... so maybe i went out tonight for a little bit. MAYBE, even though it's none of your business, I had a few drinks. Perhaps I started with vodka and cranberry juice. Just like that. And perhaps one person there mentioned he was having Stoli. Then someone else said something about Patron and Sprite. WHAT?!?!?!

I'd never heard of such a thing (mixing Patron)... BUT DAMN!! YES, Please! And so maybe I had a couple, or a few. Whatever (as was the title of the picture book I read for story time today). It was FANTASTIC (my new favorite word)!

There are so many things I want to share..

But I shall begin with relationships.

As of late I have been thinking a great deal about relationships. I happened to (this morning) read but the shortest portion of Neald Donald Walsch's Conversations with God. I started this book many moons ago, and resonate with its word pretty much wholeheartedly (but have yet to finish the piece). Anyway, a passage I happened to open the book to read:

Most people enter relationships with an eye toward what they can get
out of them, rather than what they can put into them. The purpose of a
relationship is to see what part of yourself you'd like to see "show up"...

DAMN.. This really gets me. The whole "see what part of yourself you'd like to see show up" jargon.. I believe. So I have decided to put this idea into practice. As of today..